Monday, May 7, 2007

Lawyers, Lawyers everywhere

Today I had to go back to court for Warren, just for a detention hearing, not for the charges. I also have two more court dates comming up on the 15th and the 29th. Its a good thing I keep in touch with his PO, or I wouldn't have been there. The Sherrif was supposed to serve me with the papers on Friday {liek I could get off work that short notice}, I was out, but I called him. I have yet to see him. {rolls eyes}.

I am still working on the red tape to get him into DBGR {Dakota Boys and girls Ranch}. Meanwhile since I am not able to provide 24/7 adult supervision he will remain in detention until such time as I am able to do so {not necesarrily me, just a responsible adult}, or make other arrangements he is stuck in junior jail. On the brightside I think he is learning a powerful lesson in how some things are so so not worth the price you will later pay, and you had better consider the potential consequences before you choose to do something.

This whole thing is getting out of hand. I have a lawyer, my son has a lawyer and now the Idiot suddenly wants to play dad, and he may be also getting a lawyer {all courtesy the great state of North Dakota}. Add in a PO and the States attourney, that is a lot of legal eagles for the issue of one frustrated mixed up teenage boy, and a hella lot cash.

I have so much going thru my mind right now. I miss Warren so much, but at the same time I am also glad that he is someplace where he is safe, warm, fed and can't get in trouble. The school is providing a tutor twice a week so he is still getting something resembling and education and he is so bored in room time that he actually has started reading books {yayyyy}.

The weather is finally so nice, I can't wait to go out walking again. I just wish I could find my BAt III cd, or any of my BOOH collection. Walking to music for an hour or so does wonders to clear my head and keep me from eating just to eat.

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